Wave goodbye to payroll headaches; Unburden your HR team

Employee lifecycle

Every employee’s journey at your firm is referred to as the employee life cycle. It begins with the recruitment and attraction phases, moves through the onboarding, retention, and development phases, and concludes with the alumni and offboarding phases.

There is a job for each of the six phases: attraction, recruiting, onboarding, retention, development, and separation. The goal of the ELM is to try to better visualize and comprehend how an employee interacts with their company.

Every stage of the employee life cycle is crucially impacted by the HR department, which is in charge of making sure that workers are motivated, supported, and in line with the organization’s aims.

The entire employee lifecycle is greatly impacted by payroll, including hiring and staffing, in-life HR, talent management, workforce management, and, of course, payroll itself.