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Current State of Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

Unfortunately, the news on employee engagement and satisfaction isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. While there are some positive aspects, overall, the current state is concerning.

Globally: According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report, a whopping 85% of employees are not engaged in their workplaces. This means they’re either indifferent or going through the motions, lacking emotional attachment.

According to a global survey by the ADP Research Institute, India’s employee engagement levels rose by 5% between 2015 and 2018. But even with these positive numbers, most Indian workers are not engaged. Merely 22% of the employees polled stated they were completely engaged.

US: While better than global averages, even in the US, only 32% of employees are truly engaged, with another 18% actively disengaged (not good!). This number has been declining in recent years.

Bright spots: Some organizations manage to achieve much higher engagement, even reaching 70%. This emphasizes that improvement is possible.

While finding new talent is crucial, it’s just as important to keep the talent you already have. Continuing to maintain high levels of employee engagement is essential to achieving both.

Measuring satisfaction isn’t as standardized as engagement, making comparisons harder. However, trends seem to follow similar patterns.

Reports point out worries about burnout, work-life balance, and lack of recognition, suggesting many are less than fully satisfied. One in three people doesn’t trust their employer.

Economic pressures: Inflation, high cost of living, and job insecurity can cause stress and demotivation.

Leadership gaps: Lack of clear communication, transparency, and meaningful growth opportunities can leave employees feeling undervalued.

Employees who feel heard are more likely to feel empowered to perform better at work.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 53% of employees have reported feeling more exhausted.

Experts say a rebound is possible: Companies taking proactive steps to address employee concerns and build positive work environments can achieve significant improvements.

Focusing on well-being, flexibility, growth opportunities, and recognition could be key.

The landscape of employee engagement is constantly evolving. Payroll Ease stays ahead of the curve, providing insights and solutions for a thriving workforce. Stay tuned for future reports and explore how our software can help you build a more engaged and satisfied team.